Our Treatment
Caring, trained doctors using the latest, non-invasive and safe treatment
The Vivos® System represents a clinical breakthrough in the treatment of sleep disordered breathing including mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea resulting from underdeveloped upper and lower jaws.
Safe and effective for people of all ages, The Vivos® System includes specific preventative treatment protocols for children who demonstrate early signs such as crooked or crowded teeth.
The VIVOS Therapeutics System
The single biggest breakthrough in the treatment of mild-to-moderate sleep apnea since CPAP
The Vivos® System involves a thorough and complete diagnosis of your condition by a board certified physician.
The Process
Once your physician has diagnosed sleep apnea, a specially-trained dentist will design a custom Vivos® biomimetic medical device.
You will wear your Vivos® device, as directed by your doctor, between 12 and 24 months, primarily in the evening and at night while you sleep.
Most patients feel the effects of treatment within the first few days or weeks. During treatment, periodic adjustments to your appliance are made by your treating dentist, who often works in close collaboration with a medical sleep specialist.
Upon completion of treatment, many patients do not require further intervention.

Benefits of VIVOS Treatment
Delivered by the experts at Breathe Well Sleep Well
All people are different, but many of our patients have experienced one or ore of the following benefits after being treated with VIVOS.

No need for a lifetime of treatment
The Vivos® System is safe, all natural, non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical
Shown to reduce or eliminate symptoms of OSA
The Vivos® System may be covered by health insurance and is affordable
Most patients report the treatment is comfortable
The Vivos® System may improve aesthetics as the upper and lower jaw develops
“If you trace back the journey of a sleep apnea patient, that patient is suffering for years before they get diagnosed. Once they are diagnosed, they are presented with really two fundamental options, you can go into CPAP and wear a contraption over your face every night for the rest of your life, or you can have what is called a mandibular advancement device which actually protrudes your lower jaw in an unnatural position to hold your airway open while you sleep, and you can wear that for the rest of your life. Either of those two modalities are going to present that patient with a life sentence of having to wear this contraption, one or the other, every night for the rest of their life.”
Dr. Kirk Huntsman
CEO of VIVOS Therapeutics

What our patients are saying
When the VIVOS appliance is worn in the early evening and while you sleep at night, it allows the jaw to relax. It allows the airway to open up. It allows you to breathe through your nose. And to get the oxygen that you need to the rest of your body, for your body to begin to heal.
Dr. Tara Griffin, DDS

What Makes Breathe Well Sleep Well Different
Experienced and Caring Doctors and Staff
Lead by Dr. Paul, Breathe Well Sleep Well is backed by a 12 year-old dental practice.

Dr. Paul with a new patient

Dr. Paul with a new patient
Getting Started
With The Vivos Therapeutics System
Breathe Well Sleep Well offers a complete plan to help get you and your family sleeping better and breathing better, naturally.
Getting started is easy and we have dedicated staff to answer all of your questions along the way.
Get Started in Just 4 Easy Steps:
Get A Free Patient Education Meeting Now.
You will learn all about VIVOS treatment, the benefits, and so much more.
End Your Sleep Problems
Over 22 million Americans suffer from mild to severe sleep apnea, and 80% of those are undiagnosed!
If you have noticed any of the following symptoms, you may have sleep apnea:
– Snoring, choking or gasping during sleep
– Long pauses or interruptions in breathing
– Abrupt waking during the night
– Insomnia / Restless sleep
– Daytime drowsiness
These symptoms can be caused or intensified by ONE SINGLE SOURCE. We offer a free patient education meeting to show you a revolutionary, nearly pain-free, affordable and safe solution. Schedule a meeting now to learn more.