Detecting Sleep Apnea and Remedying the Issue: Steve’s Testimonial
Steve, a patient of Dr. Paul, talks about how he discovered he had sleep apnea, and his experience at the sleep clinic to correct that issue.
My name is Steve Campbell and I came to Dr. Paul’s office in, I believe, 2018 to get dental work done. I ended up getting a cone scan to check cavitation down in the jaws.
And [Dr. Paul] said “you gotta come see this”. And we looked at the scan, this was from the previous scanner. He is got a much better scanner now. It’s like more technology. So that started the whole uncovering and study of how important it was for the oxygen with the brain.
So then I went back to the device and I came back in for more dental work and we did another scan with the newer scanner. And that’s when I started talking with the staff and deciding on what we should do. And so let’s do a sleep study.
Once I did a sleep study, that was an eye-opener. That’s when it was really evident of how much I was not breathing during the night. I would stop breathing more than 10 seconds, several times. And so that was a no-brainer.
It’s like, “okay, we gotta go all in. We’re gonna do this”. And so I’m six months in, and the results have been tremendous. I have a much deeper sleep. The dreams are off the wall. The dreaming is quite interesting because I know that I’m in deep brim sleep as a result of the dreaming.
So I’m very interested to see how this is going to go for the next year, six months, year, year and a half… however long more I have to go. But the important thing that I’ve been able to understand through studying — cuz I’ve had to really to get wrap my head around how to get well — is the importance of getting proper oxygen while we sleep.
Most of us aren’t sleeping properly and the body heals when we sleep. That’s about the only time it’s really healing, it’s when you get really good restful sleep. I had no idea that I had sleep apnea.
If it wasn’t for Dr. Paul catching that, I really wonder where I would be in the future because this is about prolonging your life and doing whatever you gotta do to correct the problem.
The interesting thing about this is that this corrects the problem.
CPAP… I tried, tried that and that lasted maybe for two weeks. I couldn’t cope with it, couldn’t deal with it. I don’t know how people can use those, but I’m merely interested in correcting problems. That’s where I’m at with it.
I think that’s the only solution that people really should look at.
And I have nothing but great things to say about the entire staff here, and how they’ve handled this. It’s just been an amazing experience.