No Braces ! (And No Obstrutive Sleep Apnea Either)
How Breathe Well Sleep Well helps children avoid the discomfort of braces
A short and joyful mother-daughter testimony about how children can avoid the physiological and psychological discomfort of braces when they grow up into their teenage years.
Andrea and her young daughter came to see us at our sleep clinic in Clearwater, FL because her dentist had detected the beginning of a problem with her bite. Some of the young girl’s teeth were slightly crooked, a very common issue in children.
Rather than letting things go and having issues down the road, Andrea and her daughter decided to do the Breathe Well Sleep Well Vivos treatment.
With a progressive straightening of her teeth over a year, Andrea”s daughter now has perfectly aligned teeth. Her airways are not constricted, she can breathe freely while sleeping. No sleep apnea for her.
She has also avoided the pain of having to wear braces for years, unlike many teenagers whose teeth where not straightened out quickly and painlessly at an early age, and later are forced to wear braces for a long period.
The psychological and physiological impact of braces on the social lives of young teenagers should encourage parents to take healthy measures earlier.
The best time to align teeth is when children are in their early development phase. Their skeletal structure hasn’t yet solidified enough to “fight” a gentle effort to straighten out teeth that may grow crooked, and open up a jaw that could threaten airways and free breathing during sleep.
The Breathe Well Sleep Well sleep clinic in Clearwater, FL offers parents a complimentary educational consultation to give them information about the health risks of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and the role of the jaw in constricting airways and preventing free breathing at night.